The Sony Ericsson X8 is a touch screen smart phone, which houses all the features and applications that a person could ever think about. The cell cost is well within a medium price budget, making it the most sought-after communications device in the market. Based on a similar shape and design to the monster Xperia 10 and 10 Mini pro, the set offers a wide range of applications.
The handset has a rather sizable 3-inch screen, which is slightly smaller as compared to other devices belonging to the same generation of smart phones. The benefit however is the technology used. This device is fitted with capacitive technology. The use of this technology ensures a highly responsive touch screen requiring minimum force. This also provides grounds to guarantee a longer lasting screen.
The set comes with a large number of applications within a broad range of multimedia, communication, and entertainment categories. Taking a look at the entertainment-based features, the operating system allows a person to play various formats when it comes to video and audio files. The heavily customized Android system contains a high-powered media player, one which can easily read and execute multiple file formats such as MP3, WMA, MP4 and many others.
Java installation is also customized, allowing long and clear playback of video files like AVI and FLV formats. The existence of a Custom Sony version of Java also allows superior gaming and video streaming functions, which are considered to be unmatched. This cell is the first of its kind to offer complex 3D gaming alongside simple basic features such as the Fm Radio with RDS.
Considering the communications aspect of this device, it offers everything from instant chat applets to conference calling services. A person is free to choose from within a wide variety of services, depending upon their network carriers. Social networking applications include in-built Facebook and Google Talk links. The cell phone also has a Twitter and Sony Ericsson Timescape hook up, allowing round-the-clock communication.
The handset offers a large number of connectivity options which include micro-USB support, USB mass storage, Wi-Fi connectivity and Bluetooth synchronization. Also fitted with an alarm clock, an organizer, a reminder, a calendar, note pad, and an unlimited phone book, the cell is perfect for business professionals as well.
The handset has also been designed keeping the younger generation in mind. It offers a wide range of features based on messaging tools. These include predictive text options, instant and text messaging options along with email and MMS facilities. These, paired together with superior Web applications such as Web browsers and Google search applet, allow the youngsters of today to remain connected.
The phone has a 3.2 mega pixel camera, along with an auto-rotate function. This allows users to take horizontal or vertical images without changing menu settings. There is an on-screen, full-QWERTY keyboard and a fully customizable four-corner screen. This means that the entire 3-inch screen is fully functioning. When looking for a high quality smart phone within a reasonable budget, the Sony Ericsson X8 is the most suitable device to choose.
Stan Roderbel is a good researcher. Stan loves to dig deep into the technical aspects of new technological products that come on to the market. If you want to learn more about computers, cameras, cell phones, smart phones, televisions, flat screen, big screen or what ever, then you need to read the articles that Stan writes. If you would like to learn more about the Sony Ericsson X8 cellphone, just go to the Sony Ericsson X8 Website. With all the new cell phones and smart phones on the market, you need to find the best and Sony has the one for you.
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Communications: Mobile-Cell-Phone
Gregory Fish

Fish, Gregory, and Stan Roderbel.".".13 Oct. Oct. 2011
Fish, G., & Roderbel, S. (2011, October 13). . Retrieved October 16, 2011, from Style Citation:
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